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    Experts, naturally, in all aspects of private and business law.


Our solicitors based in Central Scotland advise individuals and families through a friendly “personal family solicitor” approach. Find out more on how we can help you.

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Whether you are starting, selling, buying, investing in or restructuring a business, we can help. We specialise in providing accurate business law advice, tailored to the needs of your business.

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We are based in Tillicoultry and we have extensive experience of domestic, residential and commercial conveyancing throughout the Stirlingshire & Clackmannanshire areas.

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Our Wills & Executry lawyers are based, Tillicoultry, Clackmannanshire and serve clients in Plean, Cowie, Alloa or the surrounding areas in Scotland, we can advise on all aspects of Wills, Trusts & Executry Law including:

  • Make a will - Looking to make a willtoday? Our wills, trusts & executry solicitors based in the area in Central Scotland are experienced in making wills best suited for you.
  • Executries - The death of a loved one is never an easy time for families. With our executry services, we can help with the efficient winding-up of the estate of the person in Scotland and can help explain the legal and practical issues in simple language for you.
  • Powers of Attorney - Needing a power of attorney drafted by experienced solicitors? Our lawyers are skilled in drafting powers of attorney.
  • Confirmation - In most cases, before you can wind up a loved one’s affairs, you must obtain ‘Confirmation’. Our executry lawyers can guide you through the process to ensure a swift resolution.
  • Dying without a will - If a loved one has died without a will, there will be no named executors and no instruction of how the property is to be divided. It is vital you attain legal advice from an experienced intestacy solicitors.
  • Living wills - If you feel that you would rather make a choice as to what will happen should you become incapacitated, such as refusing resuscitation, please contact our expert executry solicitors today. 
  • Nursing Home Fees & Costs - When making the decision to go into care, or put a loved one into care, there are many things to consider. Our lawyers can advise on all aspect of financial implications going into care.

If you are considering remortgaging your home, it’s important to take expert legal advice. Our Property & Conveyancing lawyers are based in Tillicoultry. If you are in Clackmannanshire, Plean, Cowie, Alloa or the surrounding areas in Scotland we can advise on all property transactions.

Thinking of Remortgaging your home in Tillicoultry?

For most of us, our home is our largest asset. There may come a time when you wish to realise the value tied up in your home, or to switch mortgage to gain better terms. Remortgaging sometimes involves changing your mortgage provider. What this means in practice is that the new lender pays off the old one. Often, lenders will offer you the services of an in-house lawyer, but instructing an independent solicitor allows you to retain control of the process and ensures you retain control of all of the necessary documentation. There are legal as well as financial issues to be dealt with when remortgaging. These include transfer of the title, the legalities of penalties for terminating your mortgage and there may be a requirement to scrutinise the title deeds. If you are thinking of remortgaging, contact our solicitors in  and Tillicoultry first.

Our Property & Conveyancing lawyers are based in Tillicoultry. If you are in Clackmannanshire, Plean, Cowie, Alloa or the surrounding areas in Scotland, we can advise on all aspects of access & boundary disputes.

Access & Boundary Disputes Solicitors in Tillicoultry

Common disputes with neighbours can involve issues regarding where the boundaries of your house or your garden are. Boundaries are not always clearly defined in your Title Deeds or on the ground: they may include, for instance, a fence, hedge or path separating two properties.

Looking to buy or sell a house? With the market in a constant state of change, our Residential Conveyancing solicitors are based in Tillicoultry. If you are in Clackmannanshire, Plean, Cowie, Alloa or the surrounding areas in Scotland we can help you to buy or sell houses.

How to buy a house in Scotland

1.    Finding a property

Look through the local papers and visit the local estate agents.

2.    Noting Interest

Once you have found a property you like get in touch with your solicitor as soon as possible. This will enable them to contact the selling agent to "note interest" in the property on your behalf. Your solicitor should then keep you advised of any developments regarding the sale of the property.

3.    Home report

As of 1 December 2008 most houses which are marketed for sale in Scotland require to have a Home Report made available to all potential buyers. There are three parts to the report; a single survey of the property, an energy report and a property questionnaire. This should be examined to ensure that the property does not suffer from any serious defects or, if you still want to go ahead with the purchase, it may be necessary to ask a builder or other person to estimate the cost of carrying out necessary repairs.

4.    Make an Offer

The time to make an offer depends on whether or not there is anyone else interested in the property. If no one else is interested, or if the property is being sold at a “fixed price”, then an offer can be submitted immediately. If, however, other people are interested and have noted that interest then it is likely that a closing date for offers will be fixed. In that event you should wait until the closing date before offering. Properties being sold at a fixed price are usually sold to the first person who offers the asking price.

5.    Closing Date

If the selling agent has a number of notes of interest for a property being sold it is likely that  a closing date for offers will be fixed. This is a date and time by which all offers have to be submitted in writing. Prior to that date your solicitor will discuss your proposed offer with you to help you decide exactly how much to offer. Your offer will require to state the price being offered, the Date of entry (the date on which you will require to pay the full price for the house and will receive the keys) and details of any extras to be included in the price, such as carpets and curtains. Shortly after the closing date, the selling agent will telephone all the firms who submitted offers to advise them of the outcome.

6.    Acceptance

If your offer is successful, the solicitor acting for the seller will issue a written acceptance to your solicitor. This, your offer and any other letter dealing with the terms of the contract makes up the missives. An offer will contain a number of different clauses and the selling solicitor will take some time to go through it in detail with the seller before issuing an acceptance. It is very unusual for an offer to be met by a completely unqualified acceptance: it is likely your solicitor will receive a qualified acceptance, deleting or amending some of the conditions in the original offer. Once all of the terms of the contract have been agreed one of the solicitors will issue a letter concluding the bargain. The contract will then be binding and neither the purchaser nor the seller will be entitled to pull out. Your solicitor will try to conclude missives as quickly as possible however it sometimes takes a few weeks for agreement to be reached on all of the terms of the contract depending on what enquiries have to be made and the information to be provided to the other party.

7.    Title Examination

The seller’s solicitor will then send the title deeds of the property to the purchaser’s solicitor. These will be checked in detail to make sure that the seller does in fact own the property, is free to sell it and that all of the conditions of the contract can be complied with.  Various other documents are also checked, such as Property Enquiry Certificates (to make sure that there are no local authority statutory repairs notices or planning proposals which affect the property) and any building warrants and certificates of completion relating to any alterations made to the property, to ensure that everything is in order.

8.    Preparing Disposition

Assuming the titles are in order, your solicitor then prepares a document to transfer the title from the seller to you. This is known as a Disposition and it sets out the parties, the price, the date of entry and also usually refers to older title deeds or a Land Certificate which contain the full description of the property. He then sends this to the selling solicitor for revision before a final version is prepared for signature by the seller before the date of entry.

9.    Loan Documentation

Your solicitor will often be in contact with your building society or bank and will complete any loan documentation required by them as a condition of giving you the money: this usually involves a Standard Security, the lender's security over the property and associated documents. Your solicitor should explain the meaning of these documents to you before you sign them. Under certain circumstances these documents will be signed electronically by your Solicitor on your behalf.

10.    Settlement and Date of Entry

On the date of entry you are obliged to pay the full price for the property, via your solicitor and, in exchange, the keys will be handed over to you, again often via your solicitor. Your solicitor will receive the title deeds and the signed Disposition, transferring the title to you. This process is called settlement. Your solicitor will have done whatever is required to make sure the mortgage money is through on time and will have asked you in advance to deliver a cheque to him or her for your share of the price, plus any Stamp Duty Land Tax and other outlays which are payable.

11.    Recording Titles

The purchaser’s solicitor will then complete a Stamp Duty Land Tax application online on your behalf and then send off the Disposition and the Standard Security, to have both recorded in the Public Register of Title Deeds, called either the Register of Sasines or the Land Register of Scotland, depending on which County the property is situated in. Under certain circumstances this may be done electronically on your behalf. It is at this stage that your solicitor will send you the bill for his or her services.

12.    Storing the Titles

It normally takes a number of months for the Disposition and Standard Security to be recorded. Once this has been done they will be returned to the purchaser’s solicitors, or alternatively a Land Certificate in favour of the purchaser and a Charge certificate in favour of the lender will be issued. The solicitor will send any titles to the lender to be kept safe by them until the mortgage has been repaid. Alternatively, if there is no loan then your solicitor will offer to store the title deeds for you, often free of charge. This completes the transaction.

Residential Conveyancing Solicitors  in Tillicoultry

Our residential property solicitors are based in Tillicoultry, Clackmannanshire, Plean, Cowie, Alloa or the surrounding areas, and we can help you buy or sell a house in Scotland. We offer a full range of domestic conveyancing services from when you find the house you want to buy to the day you get your keys and we also offer re-mortgage facilities.


Contact watersrule Solicitors

For further information on our legal services, please fill out our enquiry form here. Contact us today at our Dedicated Switchboard on 01786 235 235 or at our Tillicoultry office on 01259 753 330 to speak to expert property solicitors.

Please note that watersrule solicitors ARE NOT registered to provide Legal Aid or other types of Legal Financial Assistance.

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