The Scottish Government has recently launched a consultation on mixed-sex civil partnerships following a Supreme Court ruling and an upcoming change to the law in England and Wales.
Earlier this year, the Supreme Court ruled in favour of a heterosexual couple seeking a civil partnership. Following this decision, Theresa May has announced the law will change in England and Wales to comply with the court's decision.
Given that matters relating to civil partnership are devolved and that the facts and circumstances relating to civil partnership are very similar in Scotland to England and Wales, Scottish Ministers have concluded that legislation is needed to deal with the incompatibility identified by the Supreme Court.
The consultation, which closes on the 21st December 2018, outlines two possibilities:
The key objective of this consultation is to gather qualitative information on the arguments made for and against each of the two options for the future of civil partnerships. Along with other available information, this will be used to inform the approach to the future of civil partnership.
You can respond to the consultation here.
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