This week saw The Housing (Scotland) Bill being passed by the Scottish Parliament, marking the end of the right to buy social housing in Scotland. It is estimated that this will prevent the sale of 15,000 social houses across the next 10 years.
The Bill gives tenants two years to consider their options, seek financial advice and decide whether to buy their home.
The Bill makes other amendments to the law which support the private renting sector by creating a tribunal dedicated to landlords and tenants which gives them access to a specialist service to settle disputes.
The Bill also introduces a new regulatory framework for letting agents and grants local authorities more powers to deal with poor housing conditions in the private sector.
Furthermore, it seeks to improve the rights of more than 3,000 households by making changes to mobile home site licencing.
Minister for Housing, Margaret Burgess said on the passing of the Bill:
“This is a historic day for housing as it marks the end of Right to Buy social housing in Scotland.Stakeholders from across the sector have given this legislation widespread support as they recognise that we have put together a package of measures which will help improve housing in the social, private rented and owner-occupied sectors.”
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