Female employment in Scotland has hit a record high according to statistics from the Scottish government with employment across the country also rising.
Female employment is at 72.5%, a record high with levels across Scotland outdoing the rest of the UK. Indeed, female employment in Scotland was the fourth highest in the world.
The study also revealed that more than 53,000 people had found work in the last quarter with youth unemployment also hitting the lowest level in six years. In total the number of people claiming jobseeker's allowance fell by 1,200 taking the total number to just over 76,000.
The news regarding female employment comes despite a recent survey showing that in the UK many employers were still apprehensive when hiring women, especially if they had children or were at an age where maternity leave could be possible.
The reduction of youth unemployment was greeted across the board with Scottish government's Fair Work Secretary, Roseanna Cunningham praising the latest results. She said: "Youth unemployment is at its lowest level and rate in six years, and female participation in the labour market continues to improve.
"There are also now 74,000 fewer Scots unemployed since the peak of the recession in 2010, great news for the economy, which is also making a difference to the lives of individual Scots.
"Today's news follows a range of activity to support more people into jobs including ensuring our colleges are fully focused on the employability of young people, highlighting the importance of apprenticeships and improved options on childcare to help more women back in the workforce."
However, she noted that some areas must improved “as recent quarters have seen small rises in unemployment."
Despite the positive news, many people still suffer from gender inequality or experience harassment in the workplace as a result of their gender. If you require advice on a settement agreement or legal representation regarding any matter of employment, contact us today using our online contact form.