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watersrule solicitors blog

Welcome to the watersrule solicitors blog. The blog contains general legal news updates and news from our firm. For expert legal advice on any matter please contact our solicitors (Stirling: 01786 235 235; Tillicoultry: 01259 753 330)

More Jobs Not Paying Living Wage Than Ever

The pay level for the considered adequate standard of living is not being met by many employers outside of London with one in four jobs failing to pay the living wage. 23% of jobs outside of the nation’s capital failed to pay the living wage with 19% not paying the wage in the city.

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Historical Case Redefines Definition of Work

A landmark case from Europe’s highest court has redefined the definition of employment with the court ruling that in the eyes of the law time taken to travel to and from work each day should count as working time.

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Scottish Government to Consider Scrapping Employment Tribunal Fees

The Scottish Government are to consider scrapping the controversial employment tribunal fees stating that the fees serve only as a “restriction to justice”.

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HMRC To Launch Crackdown on Minimum Wage

HMRC and the Department of Business and Innovation and Skills (BIS) are to launch a crackdown on companies not paying the minimum wage.

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Scotland Bucks UK Unemployment Trend in UK

According to the latest figures on employment, Scotland is the only nation bucking the unemployment figures seen across the rest of the UK.

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Amazon Accused of Creating “Degrading Environment”

Amazon, the world’s largest online retailer, have been accused of creating a hostile culture for workers following a New York Times report.

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Honda Pays $24 Million Settlement Follow Race Discrimination Claim

Honda has agreed to pay a £15-million settlement agreement over claims that it discriminated against some customers based on race.

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Sikh Postman Wins Turban Battle With Disney

A Sikh postman working for Disney has won a legal case over claims that he was forced to work out of sight of visitors so that they would not see his beard or turban.

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Female Employment at Record High in Scotland

Female employment in Scotland has hit a record high according to statistics from the Scottish government with employment across the country also rising.

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Parties Meet Over Potential CalMac Strike

Last minute talks are underway in a bid to stop CalMac workers going on strike on Friday. Caledonian MacBrayne ferry staff are to go on strike on Friday but will stop working any overtime as of Wednesday.

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Gender Inequality Still Prevalent in Scottish Employment

Despite having one of the best female employment records in Europe, gender inequality is still proving to be a major issue in Scotland and the rest of the UK.

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Reforms Too Lenient To Prevent Rise In Employment Tribunals

The number of reforms has almost doubled in the last year despite reforms to try and cap the number of tribunals. Despite an initial decrease in the number of cases, the numbers have since rebounded.

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Strike Law To Change In Order To Prevent Back Door Strikes

The UK Government have warned that they will change the strike law in the UK in order to prevent strikes with a minimal turnout from unions.

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Scotland’s Biggest Employers Not Paying Living Wage

According to an investigation by the BBC only ten of Scotland’s 50 biggest employers are actually paying workers the living wage.

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Vicar Who Suffered “Four Years of Hate” Loses Employment Appeal

A vicar has lost his appeal to bring an unfair dismissal appeal against the Church of England after a court ruled that he was employed by God.

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Sikhs Workplace Turban Law Amended

A new law that grants Sikhs permission to wear their turban in all workplaces has come into force in the UK.

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Barristers Condemn Government Over Steep Rise In Employment Tribunal Fees

An open letter signed by more than 400 barristers and 40 QCs has condemned the government for increasing the fees of employment tribunals.

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Aberdeen University To Offer Settlements to 150 Staff

The University of Aberdeen is to offer at least 150 members of staff offers of early retirement in a bid to reduce costs by £10.5 million in the next few months.

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National Minimum Wage Rises by 3%

The national minimum wage has increased to £6.70, the biggest real term rise in seven years.

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Scots Dealing With Unfair Work Conditions

According to a report from the Scottish Citizens Advice Bureaux (CAB) numerous Scots are facing unfair and difficult employment conditions.

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Sports Direct Facing Multi Million Pound Zero Hour Contract Claim

Sports Direct is facing a multi million pound claim from 300 employees after they were excluded from a bonus scheme offered by the company due to their zero-hour contract status.

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Scottish Economy And Employment Set For Boost

According to a report from the Bank of Scotland, the Scottish economy is set to have a successful 2015, following a productive 2015, albeit at a slower rate. The report also had positive news for those seeking and in employment, with employment rising at one of the fastest rates in 17 years.

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Two Thirds of Newly Employed Living Below Living Wage

Two thirds of new fully employed workers are earning below the living wage according to research conducted by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation.

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Scottish Job Market Improves For 48th Consecutive Month

The Scottish job economy has been bolstered by an increase in employment and a rise in salaries in the last 5 months according to the Bank of Scotland Report on jobs.

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Concerns at Cost of Overtime Pay Out as Potential Cases Pass 400

Research from The Herald Scotland has shown that companies are bracing themselves for a landslide of claims regarding holiday pay following a ruling by the Employment Appeal Tribunal.

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Aberdeen Oil Worker Granted Over £30,000 After Unfair Dismissal Watersrule

An oil employer of 25 years has been awarded over £30,000 after it was deemed he was dismissed unfairly by Scotoil Services.

“No reasonable grounds”

David Williamson, 25, was fired for apparent harassment of staff. However an employment tribunal found that the Aberdeen based firm had “no reasonable grounds” for his dismissal. The judge also found that Scotoil had failed to thoroughly investigate complaints made by two employees that a Polish contract worker was unable to follow safety instructions when it came to cleaning high pressured equipment.

Judge McFatridge said the firm had “failed to distinguish” between “legitimate comment” and alleged “racially motivated bullying and harassment” branding investigation and subsequent dismissal as unfocused and unfair.

Employment Law Advice and Assistance in Scotland

For specialist legal advice in relation to employment law contact Watersrule Solicitors.
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Employers Brace For Holiday Pay Claims Following Landmark European Decision

The recent European Court of Justice decision in May in the case of Lock v British Gas has established that staff who receive part of their earnings in commission should have this taken into account when holiday pay is calculated, not merely basic pay.

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Tribunals Now Able to Order Equal Pay Audits

From 1st October 2014 a new provision in the Equality Act 2010 (Section 139A) gives Employment Tribunals additional powers to compel employers to conduct equal pay audits where they have been held to have breached equal pay laws or to have discriminated because of sex in non-contractual pay, unless one of the exceptions in the Equality Act 2010 (Equal Pay Audits) Regulations 2014 apply, such as discretionary bonuses.

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Employment Tribunal Service Streamlined by Compromise

When they have a greivence in the workplace, over one in ten employees prefer to negotiate a compromise agreement with their employer rather than go to an employment tribunal.

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Obesity May Now Be Considered a Disability

A preliminary EU court ruling has determined that severe obesity in the future may be classified as a disability under EU law.

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Thousands of Scots Could Be Due Payout for Holidays After EU Ruling

A ruling of the European Court of Justice could mean back-dated payouts for thousands of workers across Scotland. The judgment allows employees throughout the UK to claim holiday pay for regular overtime, commission and shift allowances.

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