The latest RICS UK Residential Market Survey has revealed an increase in the supply of Scottish residential properties coming on to the market during April, which is the first increase in three months.
The latest RICS UK Residential Market Survey has revealed an increase in the supply of Scottish residential properties coming on to the market during April, which is the first increase in three months.
A quarter of all home buyers are willing to pay extra to have a faster conveyancing experience, with figures from a national survey suggesting that conveyancing is considered one of the most stressful experience about buying a property.
In recent months, some prospective property buyers have been making their purchases subject to the outcome of the referendum- these provisons are becoming more common as September 18th draws closer, and with the narrowing outcome margins.
The RICS led an independent Scottish Housing Commission which has published its proposals to improve Scotland’s housing market.
Stirling has overtaken Londonderry as the UK’s most affordable city, according the latest Affordable Cities Review by Lloyds Bank.