An interesting new piece of research by Lloyds Bank has revealed that first-time buyers in the UK are on average £865 (10%) a year better off with their own home compared to those who rent.
An interesting new piece of research by Lloyds Bank has revealed that first-time buyers in the UK are on average £865 (10%) a year better off with their own home compared to those who rent.
The Scottish Government has published details of the new Scottish Land and Buildings Transaction Tax (LBTT), which it says will benefit first-time buyers and those at the lower end of the housing market.
The National association of Estate agents has provided some insight on how the “No” vote will affect the property market in Scotland. The Managing Director of National Association of Estate Agents, Mark Hayward said:
In a recent survey of solicitor estate agents across Scotland by SPC Scotland, eight out of ten solicitors active in the property market apparently forecast a continued rise in sales.