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watersrule solicitors blog

Welcome to the watersrule solicitors blog. The blog contains general legal news updates and news from our firm. For expert legal advice on any matter please contact our solicitors (Stirling: 01786 235 235; Tillicoultry: 01259 753 330)

Lack of Inheritance Planning Causes Problems in China

According to a recent report by USA Today, only around 1% of senior citizens in China have written a will or conducted some other form of inheritance planning exercise, which is beginning to cause problems regarding the transfer of wealth.

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  1711 Hits
1711 Hits

Inheritances Deliver Biggest Benefit to the Wealthiest

New research from the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) has found that younger generations are likely to inherit much more wealth than their predecessors did, both in absolute terms and relative to their other sources of wealth. However, within each generation, those who are already well off tend to inherit the most, and this has implications for inequality and social mobility.

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1645 Hits
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