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watersrule solicitors blog

Welcome to the watersrule solicitors blog. The blog contains general legal news updates and news from our firm. For expert legal advice on any matter please contact our solicitors (Stirling: 01786 235 235; Tillicoultry: 01259 753 330)

Over-50s Prioritise Leaving an Inheritance over Personal Spending

New research has revealed that the over-50s are choosing to cut back on personal spending so they can build an inheritance pot for their loved ones. However, their children don’t share this view and would rather their parents spent their money on themselves during retirement instead of leaving it behind.

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  1717 Hits
1717 Hits

Heirs to Prince’s Estate Named

Over a year after Prince’s untimely death, a judge in Minnesota has named the singer’s sister, Tyka Nelson, and his five half-siblings as heirs to his estate, reports the Independent.

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  1994 Hits
1994 Hits

Parents Support Early Inheritance Giving

New research into gifting behaviour has found that parents want to give away early inheritance gifts to help their children financially now rather than making them wait.

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2631 Hits

Lack of Inheritance Planning Causes Problems in China

According to a recent report by USA Today, only around 1% of senior citizens in China have written a will or conducted some other form of inheritance planning exercise, which is beginning to cause problems regarding the transfer of wealth.

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1711 Hits

Calls for Incentives to Encourage Earlier Transfer of Wealth

A new report has highlighted the extent of the pensions and savings gap in the UK, with many adults failing to save enough money to provide for a comfortable retirement.

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2337 Hits

Study Gives Insight into Views on Inheritance

A recent study from Canada has given an interesting insight into the older generation’s views on spending all their money verses leaving an inheritance for their children.

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1885 Hits

Over-50s Plot £50,000 Pension Giveaway

New research by Saga Investment Services has revealed that a growing number of over-50s are planning to hold back savings in their pension to pass on their wealth tax-efficiently.

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2144 Hits

Inheritance Plans Affected by Family Financial Support

New research has revealed that the proportion of new retirees who know they will be able to leave an inheritance to their loved ones has fallen to its lowest level in six years.

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  2069 Hits
2069 Hits
Please note that watersrule solicitors ARE NOT registered to provide Legal Aid or other types of Legal Financial Assistance.

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