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watersrule solicitors blog

Welcome to the watersrule solicitors blog. The blog contains general legal news updates and news from our firm. For expert legal advice on any matter please contact our solicitors (Stirling: 01786 235 235; Tillicoultry: 01259 753 330)

Estate Planning Discussions Help Families Prepare for the Future

Having an open conversation about estate planning is still proving difficult for many people, according to new research from Canada by BMO Financial Group.

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  1675 Hits
1675 Hits

Over-50s Plot £50,000 Pension Giveaway

New research by Saga Investment Services has revealed that a growing number of over-50s are planning to hold back savings in their pension to pass on their wealth tax-efficiently.

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  2144 Hits
2144 Hits

Irish Courts to Decide on Home-Made Will

A judge at the High Court in Ireland has been asked to decide whether the signing of a ‘home-made’ will had the effect of revoking previous wills, reports the Irish Independent.

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  1763 Hits
1763 Hits
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